Breaking Free: How Journaling Shattered My Mental Prisons
Here's the truth - breaking out of these mental prisons wasn't a one-and-done deal. It's an ongoing process, and journaling continues to be my trusted tool. Some days, I still feel the walls closing in. But now, I know how to recognize it, and I know what to do about it.
The Great Escape: Finding Freedom in Setting Boundaries (Without Feeling Like a Jerk)
Boundaries aren't one-size-fits-all. It's more like a buffet. Take what you need, leave what you don't. Maybe your boundary is "I need 30 minutes of alone time every day." Maybe it's "I will not answer calls after 9 PM unless it's an emergency." Your boundaries, your rules.
The Caregiver's Companion: How Journaling Saved My Life and Can Help You Too
Now, as I navigate the challenges of caregiving for my mom with Alzheimer's, I turn to my journal more than ever. Caregiving can be a lonely journey, even with a strong support system. The emotions, fears, and questions that come with it can be overwhelming, and not everyone has access to or feels comfortable with a therapist or counselor. That's where journaling comes in.